NAYA’s Basics of Business class encourages and nurtures the business ideas of Native entrepreneurs. Gain valuable business acumen in a supportive cohort of fellow Native Entrepreneurs. The ten week course includes invaluable meetings, where you’ll have the opportunity to learn and grow together with a community of entrepreneurs, building bonds and providing peer support. Supplementing the online curriculum, your NAYA Microenterprise coach will provide you with advice to meet your business needs, resources and support to establish your business. Cohort members will gain access to financial literacy classes, referrals to NAYA’s holistic services and programs, and vending opportunities at NAYA’s marketplaces, pop-ups, and community events.
Upcoming dates:
October 6th – December 8th, 2022
Class sessions will be held every Thursday from 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm via Zoom.
The cohort meets once a week for 10 weeks.
Basics of Business is a 10 week course that meets once a week. This course focuses on members who are in the ‘pre-biz’ (concept and planning) stage of their business idea. The Basics of Business course helps to build a foundation for ‘green’ entrepreneurs.
The Native Business Accelerator is a great fit for businesses in operation executing positive net sales. The NBA consists of 12 workshops with industry specialists, assignments, and 1:1 business coaching with a time commitment of 5+ hours per week from May to October.
(There is fluidity between these two courses, so if you’re not sure where you fit - feel free to reach out!)
Between weekly meetings, assignments, and 1:1 coaching (as needed), you’re looking at 5+ hours per week.
The first step to registering is to complete NAYA’s Microenterprise Inquiry Form: